International Charities
Amnesty International at Western
Amnesty at Western is a youth branch of Amnesty International Canada. It is a non-profit, human rights organization, which works to end human rights violations worldwide.
Contact: amnestywestern@gmail.com
Canadian Feed the Children
Canadian Feed The Children is a registered Canadian charity that envisions a world where children thrive free from poverty.
Contact: cftcwestern@gmail.com
Friends of Medecins Sans Frontieres
Friends of MSF UWO is a student association at Western University (The University of Western Ontario) affiliated with Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF, translated into English as Doctors Without Borders) Canada. They are a diverse organization of students from all disciplines of undergraduate and graduate levels who are dedicated to supporting MSF operations through global health awareness initiatives, fundraising, and community collaboration, both within Western's campus and in the London community.
Contact: msf.friends.uwo@gmail.com
Habitat for Humanity UWO
Habitat for Humanity UWO seeks to assist the local affiliate and affiliates around the world. they DONATE, PARTICIPATE AND ADVOCATE. Donations are crucial for every Habitat build, and they seek to give what they can to every project they are involved in. Participation occurs when they help construct homes, volunteer in the Re-Store, or assist the organization in any way on a build site.
Operation Smile Students Association
Operation Smile is a non-profit club that supports medical volunteers to repair children's cleft lips and cleft palates. More than 200,000 children are born with a severe cleft condition each year -- often unable to eat, speak, socialize or smile. Operation Smile can change a child's life by giving the gift of surgery.
Contact: operationsmile.club@westernusc.ca
Oxfam Western
They are a student-branch of an international movement to promote human rights, gender empowerment, poverty alleviation, and environmental protection. They work closely with Oxfam Canada and Oxfam International to promote a unified humanitarian effort.
Contact: westernoxfam@gmail.com
Right to Play Western
Right To Play is an international humanitarian organization that uses sport and play programs to improve health, develop life skills, and foster peace for children and communities in some of the most disadvantaged areas in the world.
Contact: rtp.uwo@gmail.com
Save the Children
Save the Children at Western is dedicated to protecting and promoting awareness about children's rights, not only in developing countries but in Canada as well. Their vision is to create effective changes that positively affect children worldwide now and in future generations through education and the involvement of communities.
Contact: savethechildren.club@westernusc.ca
Smarts Solution
Smart Solutions Western is a social justice club that seeks to engage members and create opportunities to volunteer throughout the London community. This year, their overarching focus is the alleviation of poverty through discussion and further awareness. Some topics of discussion will be, but not limited to, micro-loans, women empowerment, and institutional inequalities.
Contact: smartsolutions.club@westernusc.ca
UNICEF at Western
UNICEF On Campus at Western aims to both raise awareness and fundraise for UNICEF's global mandate and mission, as well as to educate students on how they can help children around the world.
Contact: unicef.club@westernusc.ca
UWO Humanitarian Society
UWO Humanitarian Society works in partnership with the regional London/Middlesex Red Cross branch to fundraise and increase awareness for Humanitarian Crises acknowledged by the International and Canadian Red Cross Societies. They provide their members with a wide variety of volunteer opportunities within the London community.
Contact: humanitarian.club@westernusc.ca
WaterAid Western
WaterAid Western is a club dedicated to cultivating a community of passionate students who care about sustainable solutions for water, sanitation, and hygiene issues. Their purpose is to engage students in discussions and activities related to clean water and sanitation issues while raising awareness and funds on behalf of the organization WaterAid. WaterAid is a global non-profit organization that aims to make clean water, as well as toilets and hygiene sources, available to everyone through the implementation of sustainable solutions.
Contact: wateraid.club@westernusc.ca
They are a charity and educational partner that empowers youth to remove barriers that prevent them from being active local and global citizens. Their domestic programs educate, engage and empower hundreds of thousands of youth in North America and the UK. Their international projects, led by their holistic and sustainable Adopt a Village model, have brought over 650 schools and school rooms to youth and provided clean water, health care and sanitation to one million people around the world, freeing children and their families from the cycle of poverty.
Contact: freethechildrenuwo@gmail.com
WildLife Conservation Society
Western Wildlife Conservation Society is composed of dedicated students who are passionate about nature preservation and rehabilitation both locally and globally. They emphasize the importance of wildlife through campus-wide events and unique volunteering opportunities.
Contact: usc.clubs.wcs@uwo.ca
World University Service of Canada
World University Service of Canada (WUSC) Local Committee is a campus-based group of students, faculty and staff who share their belief in the power of education to change the world. They want to promote global understanding and cooperation and increase understanding of international development issues on campus and in the community. Information.
Contact: wusc.club@westernusc.ca